Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Insanity Round 1 Results & Round 2

I don't know what happened, but somehow I forgot(?) to post my end results of Insanity. I guess I was too busy with other things going on in my life (school, work).

But I still wanted to give you guys an update on my Insanity Challenge as well as some other things, like food choices and my future exercise and health plans and goals.

Last week I finished my Insanity Challenge with some amazing Fit Test results:

First Test - Last Test
Switch Kicks: 87 - 138
Power Jacks: 39 - 57
Power Knees: 87 - 120
Power Jumps: 20 - 50
Globe Jumps: 7 - 10
Suicide Jumps: 14 - 20
Push-Up Jacks: 15 - 50
Low Plank Oblique: 39 - 77

Insane results, if I may say so ;) I am very proud of my results, some of them I still can't believe. Who knew I would be able to do 50 Power Jumps and 50 Push-Up Jacks in 1 minute? Especially knowing where I came from. I think I can safely say that Insanity has changed my life and taken my fitness to a whole new level.

Because of the great results and the amazing feeling Insanity has given me, I decided to do another round. Yup, a second round of Insanity. I took a week off to recover, to take my mind off of things for a while, but last Sunday I started again. I am excited to see myself improving even more, even though it is hard to imagine being able to do even more Power Jumps in 1 minute ;)

Furthermore I wanted to give you all an update on my nutrition. Very honestly, I had been slacking. I guess I reached a state of euphoria losing 15 kg in 3 months' time. Celebration followed and I started eating more junk. Not excessively but still too much junk here and there. So for a month or so I didn't lose any weight. At all. I did somehow manage to keep my weight in check by still eating a balanced diet; I only gained 1,3 kg, of which I now lost 1 kg again since I started Insanity on Sunday - so this was all water weight. But the thought of missing out on losing does bother me, which is why I am going to be strict again and go on this journey 110%.

I will be eating between 1,400 and 1,500 calories a day in month 1 - balanced meals, plan it out and of course just follow the Insanity workout plan. I was going to experiment with my calories for a bit, but I noticed that for now, that just doesn't work for me. I do want to eventually work up to my TDEE but now is not the time. I tried it for a while but I found it really hard to eat over 1,800 calories a day and I would end up stuffing my face with unhealthy things, which only leads to bad things. I need more time to work up to that. I think I will slowly do it when I reach my goal weight.

I will keep you all updated! I am actually thinking of transferring all these blogs to my personal .com and continue blogging there about several things that are going on in my life.