Saturday, April 6, 2013

Insanity Challenge Week 5

Insanity week 5 is done!

This was "Recovery Week." Don't let the name fool you though. I also thought it was going to be a nice break from sweating and busting my butt...

Boy, I was wrong. The Core Cardio & Balance workout will still get your heart rate up nice and high and you will be sweating at the end of the workout.

It is a workout focused on cardio and balance (duh) and throughout the entire workout Shaun T will remind you to keep your core engaged, and you will feel this in your abs!

The warmup is quite easy and calm, then there is a stretch and there are more breaks than usual, so you won't exhaust yourself too fast. It is a lot less intense than the previous weeks but still a good workout!

If you have the Deluxe program, you can do the Max Interval Sports Training instead of the Core Cardio & Balance workout. Since I missed one workout on Thursday due to having the flu, I decided to switch it up and replace CC&B workout with Max Interval Sports Training on Friday and Saturday...

Max Interval Sports Training is one INSANE workout!! It is very intense, incorporates different sports: boxing, football, basketball, gymnastics and track. It does have a lot of breaks, which I needed, but it is my absolute favorite workout so far! I easily burned 550+ calories during this one.

Insanity weight loss so far: 2,9 kg. Overall weight loss: 15 kg! Very happy with my results. Also measured my resting heart rate and that was 72 - which is above average. It used to be over 80, so that is another great improvement :)

Monday starts Month 2 of Insanity - I am pumped!!

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